Six weeks after the release of Chrome 14, Google today released Chrome 15.0.874.102 to the stable channel - current Chrome users should be getting it now or soon, and curious fans of other browsers can pick it up from Google

Chrome 15's most obvious new feature is a redesigned New Tab page, pictured above, which lets you toggle between apps and frequently visited sites and also includes a menu in the bottom-right corner for easily bringing up recently visited sites. There are also quite a few bug fixes, which you can check out in detail on the Chrome Releases blog.

Chrome, as usual, is available for Windows XP and newer, OS X 10.5 (Intel only) and newer, and many flavors of Linux.

Source: Chrome Releases blog

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  • marc1000 - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    "a menu in the bottom-right corner for easily bringing up recently visited sites". the Opera browser has this feature for what? 1 or 2 years now? but in it the button is in the top-right corner.

    well, even Windows 7 copied some things from Opera, i guess they are one of the most innovative companies out there - but the users simply refuse to use their browser. or so it seems... (no, i'm not a fanboy, i have almost all browsers installed on my machine - I use IE/Opera and my Girlfriend uses Crhome, mainly to keep logins separated)
  • Spivonious - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Opera had tabs first too, IIRC.

    Why not use multiple Windows logins? You get a much better separation then.
  • marc1000 - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    because sometimes we want to acess both sites at the same time, like having both facebook accounts open and just cycle trough them with ALT+TAB.

    and yes, Opera was first to have tabs, start-page with thumbnails, and a lot of other features. and yet it fails to gain traction and won't see double digit market-share anytime soon, like gevorg said. this is sad for them.
  • legaceez - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - link

    the thing with Opera is even though it's just as good or better technically than most browsers, it renders html and css to WCW standards as opposed to IE. even when it adheres to the standards though it does so differently than FF and Chrome sometimes. so even though it technically renders things correctly some pages won't look right.

    this is an issue because web developers won't handle the case when it doesn't look right in Opera because it's market share is so small. they will do so if it is IE, FF, Safari, or Chrome though.
  • marc1000 - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - link

    yeah, I agree on that... sometimes it just renders the page wrong. but there were an equivalent number of times that only Opera could render a page that caused problems on Chrome or IE....
  • Zoomer - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    User accounts. Duh.
  • gevorg - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Who cares about Opera? This article is about Chrome, not some unpopular browser that never got any traction and won't see double digit market-share anytime soon.
  • daniel142005 - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    You should care, because Opera has been a HUGE innovator when it comes to web browsers. I personally don't (and haven't) used it, but that doesn't mean I'm blind as to what it has done for the rest of the browser space. I don't know why Opera hasn't been successful, but it definitely isn't due to the lack of features.
  • marc1000 - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - link

    do you know a thing that exists only in opera and no one copyed yet? mouse gestures. opera has this feature since version what? 6.0? like, 5 years ago? and no one has been able to copy them.

    i bet that windows 8 will have some sort of mouse gestures, to solve the problem of using a touch-driven UI on a non-touch device like simpler monitors.

    and everybody will say "wooooooooooooow thats aaaaawsome!"
  • Omoronovo - Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - link

    Chrome has always had the ability to view recently visited sites (and automatically stored groups of sites closed when you exit a window of tabs).

    Chrome 15 simply moves it around a bit with the new tab page; before, it was a link in the bottom left that was often difficult to miss. Now it's an actual button, labelled appropriately for its function.

    You really shouldn't read one line of this mini-review and act on it as if it were the only source of information. Certainly it could have been worded better so you wouldn't assume this was a *new* feature in chrome 15, but it would have taken you all of 10 seconds to Google and realize it's simply been modified in the latest release.

    It really isn't necessary to be a so religious about your browser choice - and your opinions therein - you could have tried to make your point without sounding like an asshat. Unfortunately however, this appears to be the rule, not the exception, when conversing with Opera fanatics.

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