ATI Rage Fury MAXX Preview

by Anand Lal Shimpi on December 14, 1999 1:20 AM EST

Unreal Tournament makes for a very interesting benchmark, using the UTbench.dem file we went to the test beds with our video cards and came back with these results. Surprisingly enough, the Rage Fury MAXX comes out on top in the 640 x 480 tests under UT. Does the card have superior drivers or is it just a pure coincidence? Your call. One thing that is worth mentioning is that the GeForce has a very difficult time performing well here due to a lack of optimizations in its 3.53 drivers, there is still quite a bit of tweaking possible in order to help squeeze even more performance out of the GeForce.

Here we have another repeat of the Quake III Arena tests, the Rage Fury MAXX is out on top in both 16 and 32-bit rendering tests. The only difference this time around is that 3dfx has a very strong presence here primarily because the 3dfx cards were tested in Glide mode since they produced erratic results under Direct3D mode. So don't look towards UnrealTournament as the definitive Direct3D performance illustration.

Once again ATI is at the top, but not with their 32-bit rendering performance. For some unexplained reason the Rage Fury MAXX performs quite poorly at 1600 x 1200 x 32 under Unreal Tournament barely outperforming the single Rage 128 Pro used on the Rage Fury Pro. This is most likely a driver related problem but it is present throughout the UT tests at 1600 x 1200 x 32.

Celeron 366 - Quake III Arena Pentium III 600E - Unreal Tournament
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